Maura Lennon

St. Brigid’s Cross Making Workshops Maura Lennon is a native of Faughart Parish and grew up just a few miles from St.Brigid’s Shrine. Maura has been making St. Brigid’s Crosses since childhood and has a host of wonderful stories about visiting the Shrine and Hill of Faughart as a child and taking part in all the celebrations for St.Brigid’s Day over the last 50+ years. Maura has been involved with the Brigid of Faughart Festival since it began. At the festival Cross Making Workshops, her stories of Brigid’s life and the traditions associated with Her Feast Day around Faughart and Dundalk continue to fascinate and enthrall all who hear them.

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Stephanie O’Hanlon

‘Dance a Healing Flower’ Bach Flower Dance Workshop Stephanie O’Hanlon had her first experience of Circle Dance as a child. Since then Stephanie has trained and worked in Dance, Ritual and Meditation. She has trained and worked extensively with Martine Winnington, Switzerland, in the Bach Flower Remedy Dances. These dances work wonders in healing, education, training and personal development. With inspiring music and very simple steps, everyone can join in and enjoy this experience. Stephanie sees dancing as a way of developing awareness of self, of connecting with others, with our environment and beyond. As well as giving workshops, Stephanie facilitates a regular Circle Dance Group in Dundalk once a month.

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May Coyle

A Ritual Celebration of Brigid and the Festival of Imbolc May Coyle, originally from the West of Ireland, has lived in North Louth for many years. She has been a spiritual teacher for over 30 years using art, music and dance to free the spirit to celebrate life in all its wonder. She has a particular interest in ancient Ireland and how her stories, myths and artifacts can re-awaken us to the beauty of our being. May is an Aura-Soma Colour and Sacred Dance Teacher. May has been part of the Team leading the Ritual Celebration of Brigid and the Festival of Imbolc at the festival closing ceremony for several years.

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Una Casey

St. Brigid’s Cross Making Workshops Una Casey has lived in the parish of Faughart all her life and is an award winning weaver of St.Brigid’s Crosses. Una learnt to make the traditional cross from rushes as a child, but over the years has made crosses from many different materials including straw and paper. Una is well known for her workshops in Cross Making and has taught children and adults all over Ireland how to make the wonderful symbol of St. Brigid. Una has an amazing collection of St.Brigid’s Crosses dating back to the 1950s, which she displays at her workshops.

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